play xenoblade
jac | she/her | 27 | england
hello im jac im gay and i talk a lot about video games.
- Steam: Lesbian Wrath Month
- Bungie (Destiny) Name: Caiatl Is My Mom#9206
- Nintendo Switch FC: SW-6685-1653-4210
- Duel Links UN: JacquelynYGO
i like other stuff too these are just the Main things i talk about
- Xeno Metaseries (mostly xenoblade. im sure you can tell)
- Fire Emblem (awakening/sacred stones/sov/three houses) (i rt fates sometimes but don't get confused i hate that game)
- Destiny
- Pokémon
- Yu-Gi-Oh! (all series except GX. i'll watch it someday)
- Persona (3/5)
- standard dfi criteria (don't be racist, sexist, homo/transphobic or any other bigotry in general lol)
- no nfts/crypto etc
- no proshippers
- i don't follow back people under 18 as a rule but even if you're over 19/20 it's not likely unless ur well connected to a lot of people i know. that's just how i curate my space on this platform! sorry
i only really have one major fear that sets me off so if you're talking about the apocalypse or anything like world-ending please please please tag it with [jdl] i have it muted on all my accounts